Dr Gautam Ghosh
6 min readMar 19, 2020


In Tamil Nadu Kabaalishwaran temple is Lord Shiva’s temple and Kabaali refers to Lord Shiva. The black stone at Kaaba is held sacred and holy in Islam and is called “Hajre Aswad” from the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta or Non-white stone. The Shiva Lingam is also called Sanghey Ashweta. So what is in Kaaba could be the same what Hindus worship. The pedestal Maqam-E-Ibrahim at the centre of the Kaaba is octagonal in shape. In Hinduism, the pedestal of Brahma the creator is also octagonal in shape. Muslim pilgrims visiting the Kaaba temple go around it seven times. In no other mosque does the circumambulation prevail. Hindus invariably circumambulate or Pradakshina, around their deities.

In Shiva temples Hindus always practice circumambulation or Pradakshina. Just as in Hinduism, the custom of circumambulation by muslim pilgrims around the entire Kaaba building seven times shows that the claim that in Islam they don’t worship stones is not true.

“Al-Burkhari records a famous statement made by Umar…which demonstrates the CONFUSION … The Burkhari says: ‘When Umar ibn al-Khattab reached the black stone, he kissed it and said, ‘I know that you are stone that does not hurt nor benefit. If I had Not SEEN THE PROPHET KISS YOU, I would not have kissed you’…ALL scholars confirm this statement” (p.285, emphasis mine)

The King Vikramaditya inscription was found on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire. (Ref: page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey).

Remarkably, Prophet Muhammad declared, “There was a prophet of God in India who is dark in color and his name was Kahan [Krishna]” (History of Hamadan Dailmi Chapter Al-Kaaf). Some critics allege this is not a Sahih (authentic) hadith, and while their assessment could be valid, their conclusion that the hadith should be discarded is invalid. Basic Islamic jurisprudence holds that if a hadith does not contradict the Quran, then it may be accepted as valid. As mentioned earlier, nothing in the Quran, Sunnah or Hadith declare that Lord Krishna was not a prophet of God. Thus, Prophet Muhammad’s testimony provides clear guidance of Lord Krishna’s status in Islam — that of a prophet. In fact, a renowned early 19th century Muslim scholar, Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi also was of the opinion that considering the evidence and this hadith, Lord Krishna was a true Prophet of God (Dharam Parchar Pg 8 & Debate Shah Jahan Pur Pg 31).

And the on a research on of Kabali Temple it is understood that the kapala or kabalam in Tamil, the human skull and Lord Shiva’s association with Kapaliks (Bhikshatanamurti means Supreme Mendicant or Beggar, the form in which Mahadeva wanders about for alms; mendicancy. It is the gentler Bhairava form that Shiva assumes to atone for his sin in the form of a vow for severing Brahma’s fifth head and chopping off Vishnu’s gatekeeper. He wanders the three lokhas, with the skull stuck to His hand and reaches Daruka oak forests and finally the holy city of Varanasi. Ultimately, the Brahma-hatya separated from his body and fell down on earth. It was thus that his Mahabhikshuka and Kapalin forms evolved)

Bhagavad Gita (1: 3, 26) states that the incarnations of Vishnu are Innumerable, like the rivulets flowing from an inexhaustible lake. In the Mahabharata, (12: 103–104,339) the incarnations are stated to be ten. The principal ten, however, are commonly accepted by all Hindus as the most significant.

The ten most famous incarnations of Vishnu are collectively known by Hindus as the Dasavatara (“dasa” in Sanskrit means ten). This list is included in the Garuda Purana (1.86.10–11) which denotes that those Avatars are most prominent in terms of their influence on human society. Each Avatar performed their duty by restoring the stability of the world, and thus, all Hindus uphold the Vishnu’s nature as Sustainer of the universe. The majority of Avatars in this list of ten are categorized as Lila-Avatars.

The first four Avatars are said to have appeared in the Satya Yuga, the first of the four yugas, or ages of the time cycle, as described within the Hinduism. They are: matsya the fish, kurma the tortoise, varaha the boar, and Narasimha who was half-man and half-lion.

The next three Avatars appeared in the Treta Yuga. They are: Vamana the dwarf, Parashurama, the man bearing an axe, and Rama, the prince and king of Ayodhya.

The eighth incarnation, Krishna (meaning “dark colored” or “all attractive”), is the only Avatar to have appeared in the Dwapara Yuga.

During his appearance on earth, Krishna defeated the oppressive demon Kamsa while aiding the Pandava brothers to victory over their malevolent cousins, the Kauravas.

The identity of the ninth Avatar is disputed. Normally, the Buddha is listed as the ninth Avatar but sometimes Krishna’s brother Balarama is listed instead. For instance, the Bhagavata Purana claims that Balarama was the ninth incarnationKalki Avatar which will be discussed in the next section

Hence with the admittance by Prophet Muhammad about Lord Krishna , the fact about presence of Lord Krishna ,and in continuation of the rationale it is also established that before Lord Krishna there were other Avatars as there were different Yugas and Lord Krishna was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and with such facts the other facts too stands their ground.

Further i must add that -during my research on IslamI have come across some very shocking stuff on Mohammed which I did not know before.

“Aya muwarekal araj yushaiya noha
minar HIND-e
Wa aradakallaha
manyonaifail jikaratun

“Oh the divine land of HIND (India)
(how) very blessed art thou!
Because thou art the chosen
of God blessed with knowledge”

“Wahalatijali Yatun ainana sahabi
akha-atun jikra Wahajayhi yonajjalur
-rasu minal HINDATUN “

“That celestial knowledge which like
four lighthouses shone in such
brilliance — through the (utterances of)
Indian sages in fourfold abundance.”

“Yakuloonallaha ya ahal araf alameen
Fattabe-u jikaratul VEDA bukkun
malam yonajjaylatun”

“God enjoins on all humans,
follow with hands down
The path the Vedas with his divine
precept lay down.”

Wahowa alamus SAMA wal YAJUR
minallahay Tanajeelan
Fa-e-noma ya akhigo mutiabay-an
Yobassheriyona jatun”

“Bursting with (Divine) knowledge
are SAM &YAJUR bestowed on creation,
Hence brothers respect and
follow the Vedas, guides to salvation”

“Wa-isa nain huma RIG ATHAR nasayhin
Wa asant Ala-udan wabowa masha -e-ratun”

“Two others, the Rig and Athar teach us
fraternity, Sheltering under their
lustre dispels darkness till eternity”

What is this Rig ? It is nothing but the Rig Veda — ( The Rigveda (Sanskrit: ऋग्वेद ṛgveda, from ṛc “praise”[1] and veda “knowledge”) is an ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. It is one of the four sacred canonical texts (śruti) of Hinduism known as the Vedas.

Mohammed was born to a family of Shiva Worshippers(His grandfather and uncle were Shiva worshippers) but he hated the religion and would publically insult it. This made him very disreputable with the Meccans!

Prophet Mohammad’s uncle, Umar-Bin-E-Hassham was also a famous Meccan poet and one of his poems can be found in the Sair- Ul-Okul

Kafavomal fikra min ulumin Tab asayru
Kaluwan amataul Hawa was Tajakhru
We Tajakhayroba udan Kalalwade-E Liboawa
Walukayanay jatally, hay Yauma Tab asayru
Wa Abalolha ajabu armeeman MAHADEVA
Manojail ilamuddin minhum wa sayattaru
Wa Sahabi Kay-yam feema-Kamil MINDAY Yauman
Wa Yakulum no latabahan foeennak Tawjjaru
Massayaray akhalakan hasanan Kullahum
Najumum aja- at Summa gabul HINDU

The man who may spend his life in sin
and irreligion or waste it in lechery and wrath
If at least he relent and return to
righteousness can he be saved?
If but once he worship
Mahadeva with a pure
heart, he will attain the ultimate in spirituality.
Oh Lord Shiva exchange my entire life for but
a day’s sojourn in India where one attains salvation
But one pilgrimage there secures for one all
merit and company of the truly great.

This poem was written by Labi-Bin-E- Akhtab-Bin-E-Turfa who lived in Arabia around 1850 B.C. This verse can be found in Sair- Ul-Okul which is an anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. It was compiled in 1742 AD under order of the Turkish Sultan Salim.

The omnipresence of Lord Shiva is also reflected by -the famous verse in Sikhism- Ek Onkar satnam waheguru Akaal purukh ajam etc…… in my view they all indicate to Lord Shiva who is Omkar.



Dr Gautam Ghosh
Dr Gautam Ghosh

Written by Dr Gautam Ghosh

Dr Ghosh is often referred to as the moving think tank of Asia . A Prolific Author,, Proficient Advocate , Philanthropist, -a public figure loved by most

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